
Showing posts from January, 2023

Many Marvelous Words

      Words are so a part of our daily lives that we often don't give them much thought. We focus more on using them as tools to convey our thoughts and feelings, to express important messages and ideas. But, words themselves are actually a lot of fun. For instance, I am sure you've seen comedy bits about the varied uses of the word "dude". It can be enthusiastic, chastising or companionable. Common place words such as good, pretty or like have a long list of synonyms each with their own special emphasis. Have you ever consider contronyms (These are words with contrary meanings like buckle. You buckle a seat belt to secure it but when your knees buckle you collapse.)  We would never be able to decipher them without additional context. What about the onomatopoeias that create a sound affect when you say them? Boom, Crunch, Buzz. Let's dedicate a page today to words. Make some engaging lists that challenge your brain a little. 5 Things to List in a Word Challenge 1-

Let's Be Bold

     I worried my partner today when I said I was about to do something "dangerous".  I popped the top on the potato chips. As I'm sure you all know, I risked eating the whole can.  Not all that exciting, I know, but it gave us a good laugh. We all make bold decisions each and every day. They may not be consequential but they make daily life a little less ordinary. Let's celebrate all those modest choices today. In your blog write out I was bold today, I... Then, fill in whatever somewhat interesting or uniquely confident decision you made. Maybe you added a bit of extra hot sauce to your chili, started a movie at 10 pm or wore your favorite fandom socks to work. Give your page lots of fabulous flare and don't forget to laugh at yourself.  

Unlimited Travel

      I recently read an article highlighting all the best places to visit in 2023. The list was long and spanned the entire globe. The pictures were absolutely stunning and I wanted to see them all in person. Then, I check my budget, time off, and general insecurities. Not going to happen. Rather than feeling depressed, I decided to think about all the ways that I could travel from home. My favorite is with a book. Through literature, we can visit any time or place. I've traversed the canyons lands of the American southwest on horseback, trudged through the jungle along the winding Amazon and gazed at a nebula from the deck of a space station. I plan to record all my journeys for the next several months in my journal and see where I end up. If reading is not your pastime of choice, there are many other options as well. Here are some additional possibilities to help you color in the map...                     4 Ways to Travel from Home                     1- Reading a Book       

Appreciating All You Do

      We are well into January now. Raise your hand if you promised to move more in the new year, get back to the gym, or use all that exercise equipment in the garage.  Yeah, me too. I imagine that a few of you, like me, are finding that goal a bit more elusive as the weeks go forward. It's okay. In fact, today we are going to celebrate all the little ways that you move throughout the day that you don't even consider. Got a late start this morning and had to park in the outer lot? That's extra steps! Got down to pull out a grape that rolled under the refrigerator? Sounds a little like planking to me. Held on to the dog after he spied a rabbit in the neighbor's yard? Best resistance workout around. Think about all those extra moves and write them down in your journal today. You are doing more than you think! Every day is a puzzle to solve. Some days you build the entire border and some days you only match a couple pieces. Either way, the puzzle will look great in the en

A Bit of Warmth

      Winter months sometimes make me want to hibernate. It's cold and grey all the time. To clear away the blues, I like to focus a lot on staying cozy.  A comfy sweater is just the thing for warming up my mood.  Finding a creative outlet can also be helpful. So, let's combine those ideas and design some cozy items on a journal page today.  Put together something that makes you feel warm inside and out. Draw a large single object and give it plenty of flare or sketch out many different things in your favorite colors. Plan a theme or just watch it build as you go. Close your eyes and think warm thoughts.  Here are a list of cozy items you may like to include. 5 items to design and feel warm with 1- Quilt                                               4-Hat                    2- Scarf                                             5- Socks                                                                                                3- Mittens May your day be filled with warmth insi

Winter Nights

      Winter nights can seem long and cold, especially when the cheerful holiday lights are doused. However, these nights hold their own kind of peace and tranquility that we can embrace as well. The introvert in me actually loves this time of quiet and rest. I gaze at the star filled sky or read too long under a cozy blanket. I savor a warm mug or bowl of soup. I watch the dancing flame of a candle or crackling fire. I breathe. How do you like to spend a long night at home? Do you play games, make crafts, cook delish dishes? Write them all down in your journal today.  Life can be busy so savor these times when the hours are yours. 

Inspiration Lists

January is a good month to do a little advanced planning. Sometimes I find it difficult to decide what to do in the moment. For instance, I'll feel like trying a new food but can't think of anything to cook. That's when an inspiration list becomes helpful. It's a page full of ideas for different moods that I can access when I need. I usually make several sections in my journal and fill them in as I read an article or hear people discuss a place they've been. Then, I can just pick one out of the journal when I find myself facing indecision. It's also nice not to have to spend time researching when I want to take action. One word of caution though, keep it simple. You will not want a long list of things that are difficult to do, far away, or expensive. I have made that mistake in the past and it turned into a depressing accounting of things I never accomplished.  Try to fill it with activities that you can do on your own in an afternoon. That way if you look back

A Little Everyday Fun

      January can be a bit of a drag at times. We promise to stick to a strict budget, diet, exercise routine, or other goal to better ourselves. We know that its good for us but it's a lot of work. Some of us may be making these changes out of necessity which is even more disheartening. Let's put all that aside for a while and do something just for fun. The other day I started to think about all the different names we have for our dog. The roll call was surprisingly long.  I am not certain if the dog is aware of all these monikers or if it merely responds to our voices. Regardless, we enjoy coming up with an ever changing catalog of  nicknames. I'm guessing many of you do too. Fill your page today with all those fabulous, silly, complicated names you've given your pet.  Don't have a pet, dedicate it to an inanimate object in your life you've named like your car, bike or coffee maker. Mine is called Tantalus because it is forever out of water.  Make it funny or

Cookie of the Month

   It's 2023! We've turned the page to new year. It's the perfect time to pick out fresh themes and try different ideas. I always find it enjoyable to plan out and think about a new project. So, let's begin! You are probably all familiar with the item of the month clubs. Sometimes its fruit or jelly. Sometimes it's a book or science project. I thought it would be fun to simplify that a little and put it in the journal You can plan it out in advance or let it happen more spontaneously. I like to bake so I am planning on making cookies once month.  They may be ordinary like chocolate chip or they maybe something a little fancier like heart shaped sugar cookies with cherry icing. Then, I will draw it in my journal labeling the month and type of cookie. There are tons of possibilities. Pick something you enjoy doing. Don't feel you need to draw it either. A list or grid will look just as nice. Here are some other things you could make your "item of the month&qu