Many Marvelous Words

     Words are so a part of our daily lives that we often don't give them much thought. We focus more on using them as tools to convey our thoughts and feelings, to express important messages and ideas. But, words themselves are actually a lot of fun. For instance, I am sure you've seen comedy bits about the varied uses of the word "dude". It can be enthusiastic, chastising or companionable. Common place words such as good, pretty or like have a long list of synonyms each with their own special emphasis. Have you ever consider contronyms (These are words with contrary meanings like buckle. You buckle a seat belt to secure it but when your knees buckle you collapse.)  We would never be able to decipher them without additional context. What about the onomatopoeias that create a sound affect when you say them? Boom, Crunch, Buzz. Let's dedicate a page today to words. Make some engaging lists that challenge your brain a little.

5 Things to List in a Word Challenge

1- Synonyms for overused words such as Said, Little or Nice

2- Contronyms like Garnish, Screen or Put Out

3- Onomatopoeias 

4- Antonyms for negative words like Ugly, Bad and Angry

5- Words that convey a mood like Happy, Smile, Love, Family or  Creating, Motion, Excited, Future

Put your mind to work and see how amazing language can be!  

*Picture excerpt from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle



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