Furry Visitors

    Summer is on our doorstep! The kids are getting out of school. The sun shines bright into the evening hours and we all have the urge to get outside. It's not just the humans feeling this way either. In fact, I have spied many more woodland creatures of late as well and that is the subject of our post today. Be they sweet or slimey, large or tiny, viewing the animals that share our environment is a great way to enjoy nature. I am often greeted with birds in the morning, bunnies in the evening and hoping toads at night. On occassion, we are visited by foxes, deer, and owls as well. Make a page to record all your sightings and fill it with as much as possible.  You might even consider narrowing your focus to a particular time or day or type of animal (think warm vs. cold blood etc.) Don't neglect the ones you see daily either. Sure, some critters may seem very ordinary but when you put them all together you might be surprised and a little delighted with your collection. 


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