December Beauty

    December is a month of beauty. I know that I often forget that and I bet you do too. We spend so much time running everywhere that we fail to notice the loveliness around us.  Not only do we have all the decorations for the holidays but we also have the stunning start of winter. Taking a moment to notice something I find enchanting or engaging helps me slow down and appreciate things. My day then becomes more than just my third trip to the grocery store or a dash to the post office before it closes.  Journaling these moments helps make them special too. You might like to try it. You can set up your page any way you chose. I like to simply write out the days of the week and then draw or otherwise record what I noted that day. 

Here is an example of what it might look like...

    Monday - Vivid red cardinal perched in hemlock tree

    Tuesday - Ice in a leaf pattern on the car windshield

    Wednesday - Neighbor's acorn wreath on front door 

    Thursday -  Winter cupcake display at bakery

    Friday - Lighted deer decorations in park

    Saturday -Coffee topped with whipped cream and sprinkles

    Sunday - Richly colored sunset

How many wonderful things will you observe this December?


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