A Simple Quest

 January is not my favorite month. It's not January's fault. Who would want to follow the holidays?  It's the month we collectively decided to make ourselves miserable with diets, budgets and lack of alcohol. Why? We need to redefine it so that we don't spend weeks making up for all our poor behavior in the months prior. It's probably not going to stick anyway. I told myself that I was not deviating from my grocery list this week then they had BOGO deals on chips and bagels. So, rather than sitting on the couch feeling deprived. I am ask you to consider taking another look at simple pleasures. Pick something small (and inexpensive) to make a big deal over. It could be a trip to the bakery for a cookie or a visit to the library to find a book outside your normal go to genre. Maybe you'll shop several different drug stores looking for the perfect shade of winter blue nail polish. Whatever you chose to do, treat it as a quest...something special. Then, make a page about it in your journal. Highlight it like a trip to the amusement park. "We discovered the world's most mediocre snickerdoodle!" "We learned there's an annual meteor shower in January!" Think EXTRA and it will be. So get out of the house and make some happy memories. 


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