Family Stories

    During the holidays, many of us visit with people we don't see often enough. Getting together with the people we care about brings many spontaneous and memorable moments. My family and I have several that occurred on holidays past that we continually share and laugh about with one another. A favorite story of everyone's is "the dog's towel".     

It was one Christmas many years ago before the invention of Chewy or the Bark Box. My family had a golden retriever puppy that was generally spoiled and absolutely adored.  My father worried that she would never learn to walk on a leash because she was carried everywhere. In those days, not nearly as many people bought gifts for their dog. So, it didn't occur to us to buy her more than one. The problem arose on Christmas Eve. We had a family tradition of opening a gift that night after dinner.  As usual everyone was happily opening their gifts one at a time. The dog was curious at first and then expectant. Whenever someone was presented with their gift, she would smile and sit up straight waiting for hers. Feeling terrible that there was nothing for the dog until the next day, my mother went up stairs for several minutes returning with a package. Once again the dog sat up and then began to wiggle as the present was set before her. Inside was something that would become one of her prize possessions, an old ragged towel from the back of the closet. She shook it and threw it playing with it for a long time. For weeks she carried it around the house with her ears back looking so proud of her treasure. She even slept with it like it was a teddy bear. It's now decades later and we still laugh about how much the dog loved that old towel. 

 If you have a minute this week. Write down one of the little stories your friends and family share in your journal.    


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