
Showing posts from January, 2024

Thoughts of Invention

    I'm sure, like me, you are always thinking of ideas; things you wished existed to make our lives a little easier or futuristic machines that cater to our every need. I saw a video the other day of a robot folding laundry. Finally! That is where we need to be going. Forget programing it to do parkour stunts. Laundry robots would be a fantastic success. Just look at the Roomba and vacuuming isn't even all that horrible. A laundry robot would be big. We need to make that happen. But, I digress. What inventions have you been dwelling upon?  Do you already have a plan for one?  Make today's journal page a place where you focus on invention, yours or others. What would you like to make?  What would you like to use?  There are no rules. I may simply draw a picture of Rosie from the Jetsons or M-O from WALL-E. But, I might also sketch a design for a folding chair with a more comfortable seat. Surprise yourself with your creativity or give yourself a little laugh. Enjoy a moment

Cold and Snow

 As January and its winter weather continues on, I find myself lamenting a little too much.  I long for warmer days and less shoveling. However, when the heat of the summer is at its worst, I will complain again. So, I have decided to try and take a more positive view. Will I ever love temperatures in the teens? No, but I can appreciate a clear blue morning or the way that the sunlight shines on the icy limbs of the trees in my yard. I wish that I was talented enough to capture those images, in drawings or even words, in the true way that I see them. But, I can devote a journal page to the little delights of winter. Maybe you can too. Make a page of snowflakes, sketch a snow covered field or mountain scape or even write a poem. Remember the possibilities of a day out in the fresh snow. 

All the Old Shows

 Over the holidays, we discovered a television channel that was showing classic tv from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.  Now, much though it pains me. I realize that some of you will be too young to remember or even have had  the opportunity to experience these decades. But, for those of you who have, you might understand the nostalgic pleasure of rewatching a program your family enjoyed when you were young. This inspired me to make a journal page devoted to some of my favorites. So join me in writing out those catch phrases in bold, listing the Friday night line up, or sketching out the living room of our most beloved family sitcom.  Enjoy walking down memory lane with a fateful trip that started from a tropic port or recall the apartment where laughter is calling for you. It will surely bring a smile.

A Simple Quest

 January is not my favorite month. It's not January's fault. Who would want to follow the holidays?  It's the month we collectively decided to make ourselves miserable with diets, budgets and lack of alcohol. Why? We need to redefine it so that we don't spend weeks making up for all our poor behavior in the months prior. It's probably not going to stick anyway. I told myself that I was not deviating from my grocery list this week then they had BOGO deals on chips and bagels. So, rather than sitting on the couch feeling deprived. I am ask you to consider taking another look at simple pleasures. Pick something small (and inexpensive) to make a big deal over. It could be a trip to the bakery for a cookie or a visit to the library to find a book outside your normal go to genre. Maybe you'll shop several different drug stores looking for the perfect shade of winter blue nail polish. Whatever you chose to do, treat it as a quest...something special. Then, make a page