Year in Review

 The year is coming to a close. As we welcome a new one next week, let's take a few minutes to review. Think of some things that you have done, nothing tremendous just fun. Did you go to the lake, eat at a hibachi restaurant, attend a play?  Now think even smaller. Did you try a new flavor of soda, crochet a hat or dress your dog for Halloween? Make a quick calendar in your journal. It can be lines, squares, any design you please. Be sure to give yourself room to write in each. Then, pick a few experiences (including the very small) to record in the month they occurred. If you don't remember when you tried that crazy ice cream shop you can add an extra space just for "firsts". Try to keep it simple. This isn't the spot to remember weddings, babies, graduations or week long vacations. Stay focused on less momentous occasions.  


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