
Showing posts from December, 2023

Year in Review

 The year is coming to a close. As we welcome a new one next week, let's take a few minutes to review. Think of some things that you have done, nothing tremendous just fun. Did you go to the lake, eat at a hibachi restaurant, attend a play?  Now think even smaller. Did you try a new flavor of soda, crochet a hat or dress your dog for Halloween? Make a quick calendar in your journal. It can be lines, squares, any design you please. Be sure to give yourself room to write in each. Then, pick a few experiences (including the very small) to record in the month they occurred. If you don't remember when you tried that crazy ice cream shop you can add an extra space just for "firsts". Try to keep it simple. This isn't the spot to remember weddings, babies, graduations or week long vacations. Stay focused on less momentous occasions.  

Holiday Joy

     I know the holidays can be a difficult time for many. So, today let's focus on joy. It doesn't have to be something big and momentous. Find a moment that brought you a bit of peace or happiness and celebrate it in your journal. Maybe you got five minutes in the early morning to enjoy your coffee. Perhaps you noticed the lights twinkling in the rain. Did you kids do something silly at the dinner table? Whatever your moment is, pause and try to be present. I will too. We journal these times to remember that despite the stress, life can be good. Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Words of Good Cheer

 Hanukkah is wrapping up. Christmas is almost on our door step. The words, "Happy Holidays" are exchanged between friends and strangers throughout the day. This joyful expression has many, many versions in languages across the globe. So today, let's google a few and put them in our journal. Celebrate the phrase that means the most to you. Try to find its equivalent in dialects both familiar and unknown. Take yourself on a quick world tour!

Blowing a Little Steam

 This blog of the inconsequential strives to focus on the little positives of every day life. Lately, I'm not feeling it. I have too much on my plate right now. Yes, much of it is my own fault. But, not all. Like many of you, I carry the pressure of making the holidays for my family. It's the one thing that I actually want to do. Time is fleeting and nothing is getting done. I've decided rather than deny my grinchy demeanor, I will devote a journal page to releasing some of those negative thoughts. Maybe by putting them on paper, I can let some of it go and get back to a more cheerful frame of mind. Who's with me?? I am filling my page with quotes that do not celebrate the holidays but rather encompass the frustrations, irritations and, at times, even dread. Don't hold back and have a little fun. Some of my favorites... "The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people and now you're gonna hear about it

Every Year

    I love the holiday season. Everything just overflows with merriment and good cheer. However, it is also a very stressful time for many, many reasons which I won't even go into here. I will express my dismay at the sheer amount of things we are expected to do in a few short weeks. The older I get, the less energy I have to bake cookies, participate in a Secret Santa, buy presents, attend special events, spend time with friends and family, do something nice for a neighbor... I am tired and I bet a lot of you are too. This week was my annual holiday panic. As soon as Thanksgiving ends, I start thinking about Christmas and immediately feel overwhelmed. As a way to take a minute to regroup (and poke a little fun at myself), I drew a comedic self portrait in my journal. Give it a try. It might give you a little laugh.