Best in Fair

 Fair season has begun and I can already smell the kettle corn. There is something exciting about stepping onto the fair grounds once again to experience all your favorite things. What is your go to snack or beverage? Do you have a ride that you simply must do? Who is your most adored barn animal? Think about all the treats, crafts, games, and thrills that make that ticket price worth it. Determine a special way to salute your best times at the fair and make a page today. Not fan of fairs? That's okay too. Pick a ride like the Ferris Wheel that you may have enjoyed elsewhere or a specialty hotdog you ate. Describe how it made you feel, draw a picture or list a bunch of different types you've tried. Give it the color and vibe that matches the location of your memory. 

 Ideas for a fair themed page

1- List of rides you've done
2- All the foods you tried and how tasty they were
3- Results of animal competitions
4- Favorite booth or carnival game
5- Time line of your day
6- Awards for cutest, silliest, most delicious, most or least frightening, etc.
7- Craziest thing you saw but didn't experience
8- New facts learned
9- Bravest moment
10- Best Purchase 


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