
Showing posts from April, 2023

Weekend Challenge

 The weather for most of us has become much more lovely now. It is the perfect time to get outside and do something different. With that in mind, I am suggesting we challenge ourselves to put the phones away. It is easy to get wrapped up in the addicting habit of checking our news apps or social media accounts through out the day. I am guilty of it too. Sometimes, it is an important source of information. Mostly it's a giant waste of time that doesn't make you feel very good. I understand that this may be difficult. If you really can't put it down, consider doing something else such as watching a live stream from the zoo or a cooking video. Cheating is allowed if you need to pop on quick to see if your cousin had her baby or wish your friend a happy birthday but really try to make it happen. Create a page recording all the wonderful things that you did while not on your phone and be proud of yourself.

Using What We Have

 Celebrating Earth Day last week inspired me. What could I create with the items around my home?  My recycling bin is often overflowing with cardboard, glass jars, and paper. Surely I could find new life for some of these objects before dumping them in the bin. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of making a list in my journal. I could not only make a page about ideas but also note completed projects. Ultimately, I combined the two. I made a list of things I might try to make and, when I finished one, I checked it off. So far, I've converted a jar into a holiday decoration and weaved a basket from a few paper bags. The results aren't always that great but it more about the process. The more we try, the better we become. I've made plans for many more reuses and I am looking forward to see how they turn out. Challenging myself not to spend any money is a fantastic mood boost too. It's fun to imagine all the possibilities. Some Ideas for You...          

Dreaming of the Perfect Day

     Do you ever have days when the list of people annoying you is just about everyone. I certainly do. You may be temped to just never get out of bed. When that mood hits, it might be a good distraction to dream about what you would do with a day or,  dare I even say, a vacation all to yourself. Since this is unfortunately utter fantasy, feel free to disregard any and all rules. Write in your journal what you would do for fun on your own if the options were limitless. Would you hike Mt. Kilimanjaro? Go on every ride in Disneyland? Swim with a whale shark? It's kind of thrilling to imagine.  Once you're done, find a small way to experience your vision. Maybe you can watch a YouTube video of someone exploring Angkor Wat or indulge in European style cheese board.  

What Do You Call It?

Today let's think about words again. Everyday terms we use can be unique to our specific location. It's not just saying y'all or wicked. For instance, what you call a garage sale others may call a yard or tag sale. If you are in a city, you may even refer to it as a stoop sale.  Think about the word you use for each of the following things and mark it in your journal. You can make comparison lists or write your terms out in fancy letters across a page. If you're feeling creative make decorative borders for each. Just have a fun with it. What do you call...         1- Soda                                   6- Slipper           2- Sneakers                           7- Sofa           3- Raincoat                           8- Bedspread           4- Garage Sale                    9- Dressing Gown           5- Creek                                 10- Knitted Cap              

Awesome Shirt!

 I love a nice soft t-shirt. Nothing feels quite as comfortable and the spring time weather has me wearing one most days. I have an eclectic collection of styles and designs. When I am shopping I frequently come across one that I absolutely love but would never wear. Sometimes it's the color but more often than not, it's what's printed on it. It may have a well placed swear word, emoji with a tongue sticking out or message I would rather not share in mixed company. Whatever the reason, I often wish that I could still somehow hold on to the image. Then I realized that most of the designs were simple enough to recreate in my journal. I don't have the artistic skill to replicate them exactly but I can still copy the phrase, color choices and simple icons. You can do it too. Make the basic outline of several shirts then add the details every time you come across one that you really like but won't buy, even if its just because of the price! My "awesome shirt" p

Logging It All

  A couple years back, I tried keeping track of my steps in my journal in an effort to motivate myself to exercise more. Relying on my phone wasn't all that successful since it wasn't always on me. I tried just keeping track of days I walked but life got in the way. Seeing my failure on paper did nothing but discourage me. I would leave little notes of explanation on the side like "rain" or "appointments all day". Last summer, I tried a new approach. Instead of journaling steps, I wrote down all the places I'd been. The list included not just parks and trails but also neighborhood roads and open air shopping complexes. The page quickly filled and it reminded me that I had in fact gotten out and walked around more than I had all winter. I became excited to add a new spot to the list and it prompted me to search out more. I have already started this year's page and I am looking forward to filling it up. However you prefer to galvanize yourself, make a

Nostalgic Reminders

 As I walked the aisles of my local party store the other day, I was struck by all the different sections themed to a specific decade. Neon accessories from the eighties, disco items from the seventies and flower power peace signs from the sixties were all nostalgic reminders of the past. Sure disco was only a small part of a decade full of amazing music from artists such as Marvin Gaye and Queen but "The Hustle" is really fun to do at parties.  What is your favorite decade? Do you wish you lived liked Katherine Hepburn in the 1940s? Would you have liked to watch the crowning of Queen Elizabeth or the moon landing live on TV? Pick a decade you have a special affinity for and devote your journal page to it today. List songs or historical events, draw icons, write out a quote, include books and movies too. Make it remind you why you appreciate this period in time.    

Picture Yourself Outside

 Now the weather is nice, I am ready to get outside. Naturally, I 'll be taking some pictures. In fact, spring is a great time for selfies. The heat and humidity of the summer can sometimes take a toll on our looks. This time of year gives us beautiful white puffy clouds and gentle cooling breezes. Some of my best shots were taken on warm days in late winter. It is also the perfect time to find some truly picturesque backdrops. Springtime waterfalls, flowering trees, or windows reflecting a setting sun can produce amazing colors and textures to highlight the beauty of you. Use your journal today to record all fabulous brainstorming ideas you have for somewhere to take the perfect outdoor selfie.  1- Sitting on the front stairs of your       building, a museum or grandma's house 2- On a pedestrian bridge 3- In the park 4- At the start and finish of your favorite trail 5- Next to a fountain 6- At the farm 7- By an unique window or door 8- Under a tree 9- By a local statue 10- At