Appreciating Your Community

     Today, we are going to appreciate where we live. What is special about your town? Is there an abundance of delicious and authentic pizzerias? Are you walking distance from a beautiful park?  Can you see mountains in every direction? We don't often take the time to think about all the good things around us. Sure, the roads need work and the taxes are high. Everywhere has pros and cons, even that stunning beach could be washed away. But, when we chose to look with gentler eyes, our communities have many things to love and take pride in. It's time we consider them. Write as many down as you can.  If you truly can't enjoy your city or town consider your state or at very least your home. You could even try all three. Just let the good vibes in. 


 4 Locations to Give a Little Admiration...

    1- Your Neighborhood/ Street

    2- Your City or Town

    3- Your State

    4- Your Area (West Coast, Mid-West, South, New England)


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