All Your Favorites

  We are finishing this short month full of hearts with a list of all your favorite things. What is it that you love the most? It doesn't have to be true for all time. Simply go with what you're feeling right now. Think of it as a sort of time capsule for you to look back upon one day. After all styles and opinions change drastically over time and we've got the old prom pictures to prove it! So embrace you're current loves and make a page to remember them. Go retro and pick things you would have recorded in your younger days like color, celebrity, or ice cream flavor. Make it elegant and pick your favorite decorative accent, garden herb, or red wine. Match it to a specific theme. Just make sure it reflects you. 

20 Ideas for a "Favorites" List 

1- Book

2- Movie

3- Clothing Accessory

4- Footwear

5- Breakfast Item

6- Coffee Creamer

7- Dessert

8- Social Media Account

9- Breed of Dog

10- Creature from the Sea

11 - Lipstick color

12- Video Game

13- Fandom

14- Model Car

15- Style of Music

16- Song/Album

17- Restaurant

18- Place to Walk

19- Vacation Spot

20- Holiday

Oh! I almost forgot...favorite blog!


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