A Blanket of Snow

    We had our first bit of snow recently. It was beautiful and a little exciting. Sticky flakes clung to trees and grass but melted quickly on the warm pavement. I like to keep track of weather; temperatures, storms, rainfall, etc. It just something I find interesting. This year, I hope to record our snow fall. 
    However, what I really want to share with you is last year's project. Some of you may be aware of the weather afghan. It's a blanket you crochet over the course of a year that records the temperature. A color is assigned to every ten degrees or so and you crochet a line to represent the temperature for every day. I enjoy knitting and crochet so this idea seemed really fun. But, when I thought about the time commitment and expense, I gave up on it. Then, I had a new thought. I could draw the afghan in my journal. It would cost nothing and take no time to simply draw a colored line for each day.
     Now I will admit to forgetting to do it some days. If this happens, don't worry the internet will supply the missing data and remember, if your afghan isn't entirely accurate, its just a picture of a blanket. You will still have the general idea. In fact, depending on how thick you make your lines, you may not fit it all on one page. Just note the dates depicted and start again or move on to another project. Here are some other things to record should this idea appeal to you.

                            Four Weather Related Things to Record in a Drawn Afghan...

                                        1- Daily Temperatures
                                        2- Snow or Rainfall Amounts
                                        3- Sunny, Partly Cloudy or Cloudy
                                        4- Barometric Pressure

Even if you only keep it up for a month or so, you'll have a colorful and illuminating result. Give it a try!


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