Being Thankful


The idea of being thankful in November is literally everywhere. It's in every type of media and even on your dinner plates. We are told that thankfulness will help ease our troubled minds. That is likely true although the pressure to be happy about your current condition can feel like a burden especially during the holidays. It's okay to be sad when missing loved ones or struggling to put a big meal on the table. Sometime you are so overwhelmed that you can't find a way to enjoy those many blessings. Most of us can think of someone we know who has struggles much worse than our own, but that doesn't mean that we aren't experiencing difficult things ourselves. If daily reminders of your blessings are helpful to you, by all means keep it up. If, however, you find it's not that comforting then I suggest making a page today with a lighter tone and crossing "Being Thankful" off your list for this month. Answer the following questions, add some cute doodles, and turn the page.

1-  Did you smile at anything adorable or furry?

2-  Did you hear anything amusing or even slightly entertaining?

3-  Did you avoid getting drenched in the rain?

4-  Did you notice anything different this week?

5-  Did something small go right for you?

6-  Did you remember to take the trash out?

7-  Did you get any mail? (junk mail counts!)

8-  Did you avoid any unpleasant tasks?

9-  Did you find something you lost? (glasses, keys, phone)

10- Did you have the opportunity to say "no" to anything? ("Will a mid-day appointment work for you?" "Would you like the broccolini with that?")

Hopefully, you said yes to at least a couple of these. Now you've been thankful!


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