On the Road Again

 Like many of you, I spend a lot of time in my car. Over the years, I've tried lots of ways to make it more interesting especially on longer road trips. Sometimes, it's a sing along. Sometimes its hunting a certain type of vehicle. We've all shouted "cow" or "punch bug" from the back seat. In that spirit, let's devote a page today to all the silly, fun, repetitive things we do to keep ourselves from losing our minds in the car. Make a list of your go to listening preferences be it a song list, podcast or book. Draw a picture celebrating that time you spotted the Oscar Mayer Frankmobile (Wienermobile).  Recreate the license plate that caught your attention as you waited in traffic. Take those positive minded stories you tell when you get home and find a way to them put in your journal. May you enjoy Happy Travels! 


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