
Showing posts from May, 2023

Summer Blockbuster Season

 Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer. People host cookouts, open pools, and hit the trails. They also go to the movies. The season of big blockbusters is now in full swing. What's on your list of must see? When I was a kid, we often escaped to the movies to avoid the afternoon heat. Adventure films inspired outdoor exploration. Enchanting fantasies encouraged me to read similar stories on rainy days. The movies were a big part of the spirit of the summer. There are lots of ways to capture those same feelings as an adult and journaling about it will help make those new memories last. Design a page today with plans for a summer of film delights. Movie Journal Page Ideas 1- Hunt down some old classics to rewatch.  2- Plan out several family movie nights at home complete with a themed dessert or cocktail. 3- Devote a page (or several) to movies that inspired you to do something special like travel, visit a museum, or learn a new skill. 4- Make a page about a movie yo

Puffy White Clouds

 I enjoy sky gazing. Too often my mind is cluttered with a thousand different thoughts and I forget to be present. Taking a minute or two to look upward helps me direct my attention to the current moment. It's also relaxing to daydream as you watch the clouds float by or behold their changing colors as the sun sets. If you are more scientific minded, you might note a specific type of cloud or predict coming weather. Whatever your preference, I encourage you to spend a little time observing the sky. Then, write about it in your journal. What did you see? How did you feel? What wishes or goals did you make?  Did you discover a trend or make a weather prediction? Make a list of all the different objects that the clouds resembled. Make a chart and check off each cloud type you encounter. Fill your page with all the wonderful things you experienced when you decided to admire the sky above. 

Indulging Fabulous Style

Do you ever wish that you could indulge in a fun or outrageous style but something in your life is holding you back? Maybe you'd like to dye your hair blue only your employer won't allow it. Maybe you'd like to paint your nails with a detailed pattern but as a caregiver you are constantly washing your hands.  Take some time today and make a little "What if?" drawing. Trace your hands or make a simple face and give it all the fabulous style you like. You can even decorate your toes! Whatever brings you joyful thoughts is the goal for todays page.  Think about adding... 1- Unique Color 2- Engaging Patterns 3- Easy to Recognize Icons 4- Small Tattoos 5- Stunning Accessories And maybe a little whimsy too. 

A Little Bit of Happiness

 Too often in our every day lives we forget to acknowledge all the good moments that we encounter. We report to friends and family about annoying traffic or the guy who counted out eighty-seven cents in small coins at the checkout. Try to make a shift and think about a small moment that made you happy. Did hear a favorite song? Is the weather especially nice? Maybe you tried the new flavor of the month at the coffee shop.  Whatever brought a smile to your face is our journal page for today. Write about how it made you feel. Make a list. Draw a picture if you dare. Turn your attention to the positive and do again it tomorrow.

Uniquely Summer Foods

 Memorial Day is coming fast and summer is on everyone's mind. What do you relish most about the season? It's hard to imagine summer without thinking about food. In my neighborhood, you can count on smelling something delectable on a grill almost every night. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and in season. Cool glasses of lemonade and creamy ice cream are frequent treats. Think about some items that you would like to enjoy this summer and make a food bucket list.       Some Summer Food Bucket List Ideas...           1- Salads           2- Fresh Produce           3- Dessert           4- Prepared on the Grill           5- Baked Goods           6- Beverages           7- Sandwiches  Is anyone else getting hungry? 

All Your Skills

 We are always learning new skills. Sometimes we don't appreciate how much we know. If it isn't part of your work or on your resume, you may not consider the value of the things you pick up over time. Did you figure out how to work a cotton candy machine for a birthday party or school fair? Fix the toilet with a YouTube video? Be proud of yourself! You are expanding your world. Keeping your brain sharp. Make a list today and include all those weird and wonderful little extras you don't often consider when celebrating what you can do. 

Coronation Weekend

 The coronation of King Charles III of England was this weekend. `The event was an historic and magnificent spectacle full of majesty and elegance. While our journal is inconsequential, it's also nice to honor important occasions you wish to remember from time to time. Whether you are an anglophile, history buffy or merely a person who has always dreamed of being a princess, the coronation is something to celebrate. Write about the parts of the ceremony that stood out most to you. Decorate your page with the Union Jack or classic symbols of the monarchy. If you aren't into the coronation, swap it out with another fancy affair like the Met Gala or the Kentucky Derby. Things to note on your coronation page... 1- Favorite parts of the ceremony 2- Notable people in attendance 3- Best outfits 4- Music  *This post originally contained an embarrassing blunder that has now been corrected. Apologies to all .  

Celebrating Our Fandoms

  As many of you are aware, we celebrated a little holiday this week known as Star Wars Day or May the 4th. It brings with it tons of merchandise, special programing and even a catch phrase. The franchise is so huge most of us have seen at least one of the nine movies not to mention the tv programs, books, comics, get the idea. However, science fiction and fantasy or no longer the only fandoms to have large followings. The Gilmore Girls, Disney, and Friends are just a few that also boast huge numbers of fans. Sports teams have also always had loyal devotees. What is your favorite fandom? Design a page today that expresses your fondness for the brand. List the collectables you've acquired. Write down or review episodes seen. Draw out the symbols that represent the members of the team. Add some memorable quotes or the words to the theme song. This page is going to be one of your best because it highlights the uniqueness of you.  

Photo Galleries

  As many of you have surely surmised, I love animals. I visit farms and zoos, watch videos, take pictures. In fact, while searching for a recent photo I took of a robin, my cloud revealed that I have a surprising number of bird pictures. They are not my favorite animal by a long shot and yet I have tons of photographs of them. While perusing the gallery, it occurred to me that this would make a really cute journal page. I could record all the different types of birds that I have captured in photos and decorate it with a few easy to draw ones or maybe simply some footprints. The result was sweet and it was a fun new way to think about memories. If you're not into animals, scroll through your phone and find something that you have unknowingly preserved in pictures. Beautiful meals you ate dining out, doors you've passed, or flowers you've grown would all make great pages too.  Four Animal Related Pages You Could Try... 1- Animals in your photo galleries 2- Animals you've