
Showing posts from March, 2023

All Things Green and Lovely

 This time of year always inspires me to add life to my home, inside and out. I walk longingly past the cut flowers and succulents at the grocery store. I look at seed packets and decorative pots. Regrettably, my green thumb has never developed. Once, when I was younger, I kept an ivy plant for a few years. We didn't take it with us when we moved and I think it may have curse me. No plant has lasted longer than a few weeks in my care ever since. Strangely, this fact has not deterred me.  I continually waste my money on annuals and various starter seeds. One day, I hope to find the formula for success. At least I still enjoy the thinking and planning stages of the process and that is what I would like our journal page to be dedicated to today. Imagine that you have the time and money to devote to your dream garden or maybe one you think would be nice to walk through. Then, plan it out on the page. Block out sections for each of the different vegetables you'd like to grow. Design

It's a Rainy Day

      Whether we like it or not, the spring brings with it lots of rain; cold rain, warm rain, wind and rain. It can be a bit of a let down when you hope to finally soak up some sun over the weekend only to be greeted with a damp and rainy day. But, there are things we can do to lift our mood. Don some cute boots, open a colorful umbrella or wear a bright colored coat. Get out and find something to brighten your spirits. Visit a museum or see a movie. Ideas are less likely to come to us at the spur of the moment. So, let's make a journal page of the things we might like to do on a rainy day so we aren't stuck scrolling on our phones all day long. Add a little rainbow or even a rubber duck to set the mood and brainstorm away.   Ten Things to Do on a Rainy Spring Day       1- Shop for Craft Supplies        2- Visit an Art Gallery                                                                                            3- Have Coffee with a Friend                                

A Focus on Today

 One of the ongoing goals of this blog is to highlight the uniqueness of our every day lives. Everyone will experience something slightly different today and that's amazing! We are different in so many wonderful ways it would difficult to walk the very same path as someone else.  The more we consider the small things the more vastly distinctive our experiences become. So today, record some things that you specifically did or noticed as you go about your routines. Did you dance with the dog? Procrastinate a bit by writing a poem? Notice a rare vehicle in the parking lot? Mark the date bold and large with extra flare. Remind yourself why today was something a little special.   

Signs of Spring

 The weather doesn't always cooperate but spring is officially here. What are the signs that you look for to let you know that the season has begun. Do you delight in the blooming of forsythia? Cheer the return of the robin? Wear shorts on the first day that tops sixty degrees? Many of us start to look for these little changes in the coming weeks and brighten with the discovery of each and every one. Make of a list in your journal today of all signs of spring that you look forward to each year. Then mark the date you notice them as the days go by. Draw a few flowers to accompany it if you like to add to the springtime vibe. Signs of Spring You May Want to Include... 1- Blooming of crocus or daffodil 2- Return of birds 3- Flowering trees like dogwood and cherry 4- Baby animals - bunnies, groundhogs, turkeys 5- Rising temperatures 6- Festivals and events Breathe in and sigh with contentment that a new season has arrived.

Feeling Lucky

      Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Whether it is a big celebration or merely an interesting side note on the calendar, most of us are aware of the symbols and lore that embody the holiday.  It's actually the three leaf shamrock that is specifically related to St. Patrick, but many of us love to tie that elusive four leaf clover in as well. You can't help but feel optimistic at the start of spring and the idea of a little good luck is especially appealing.  According to folklore, many other signs of coming good luck exist as well such as the ladybug, elephant and cricket. Let's not forget the lucky penny, dice, or horseshoe either. It seems that people are always looking for a opportunity to hope. Today, I'd like to use our journal to celebrate the moments when good fortune comes our way. Perhaps you caught the train just before it left, found an extra small fry in your takeout bag, or snagged a last minute reservation. Start your page today and come back to it

What Would You Choose?

  Today is a good day for trying something different. Instead of another list, let's play a game in our journal. I am sure you are all familiar with "Would You Rather?".  There are a ton of different versions based on personal choices. Some are simple and every day others are complete fantasy. Ultimately, it reveals something interesting or funny about the people who are playing. You might find out that your mother-in-law really doesn't like broccoli or that your cousin thought about being an astronaut. I am going to give you a few questions to answer in your journal that might lead you somewhere unexpected. Don't take it seriously.  Just answer quickly and see where your thoughts lead.                     Would You Rather...      Go to the aquarium or a farm?      Take a portrait or landscape photo?                                                                                           Grow flowers or vegetables?                                                

The World's Simple Melodies

      The weather today was particularly nice. The sun was shining and the air held a bit of warmth. The dog and I lingered a bit before heading back inside to continue our regular routine. It was very pleasant to pause and be present in the moment. But, what struck me the most was all the new sounds. I heard water dripping, different birds chirping and the distant hum of the highway. It was lovely and I vowed to remember to spend some time outside before the bugs arrive. So, on your way today take a moment to listen to the sounds around you. Record what you hear in your journal to remember the world's simple melodies right outside your door. 

Your Top Film Picks

  The Oscars are this weekend. While you may not be interested in watching the ceremony itself, this is the perfect opportunity to have some fun with entertainment. You can make an awards list in your journal where the rules are completely your own. Bring back those categories that included your favorite summer blockbuster. Focus on the elements that interest you the most. Devote awards just to acting or effects or fashion.  Add a category for things like best one liner or best on-screen chemistry. How you wish to appreciate this year's films is entirely up to you. Keep to the nominees or make a list of your own. Create a page that glitters and shines like the Hollywood days of old. Film Award Categories You Might Like... Best Film Best Joke Best Couple Best Scenery Best Plot Twist Best Escape  Best Children's Film Best Dressed Best Hair Best Villain or Monster Best Main Character Best Death Best Soundtrack Have fun!  

Colors of Spring

      Spring is tantalizingly close these days. Some of you may already be enjoying it. For others of us, we are still in what may be referred to as 'mud season'. If you too are looking at brown grass and leafless trees, I encourage you to think of the future beauty that is just around the corner. Pick a color you associate with spring and look for it today. Then record all the different objects you spied in your journal.  Show your appreciation for a lovely pink sweater or bright yellow notebook. Draw or colorfully record all these dazzling reminders that a beautiful new season is about to bloom.