
Showing posts from February, 2024

Oh How Fancy!

 Okay, let's get real. Most of us are not often asked to dine somewhere requiring close toed shoes let alone a tux. Still, we may have had the opportunity to do something fancy. What was it? Did you have a fabulous meal or tea with pinkies out? I have been fortunate enough to try some very nice restaurants but when I think of fancy, I remember my mother's tuna fish crepes. She would often make a considerably more elaborate spinach and cheese crepe for guests. On these occasions, she would also make a tuna version for the kids to eat before everyone arrived. They were the absolute best. To my six year-old palate, there was nothing more flavorful or sophisticated. Just remembering them makes my mouth water and no seven course meal will ever compete with the delight of those creamy crepes. Do you have any treats like that someone made for you? What truly makes something special? Give some thought to the fancy experiences in your life and make a journal post today. You may find tha

Second Winter

 The sun is brighter and out for more hours. Hints of spring are popping up everywhere. The stores are selling Easter candy and patio accessories. I am ready. But, in my area we have to finish winter and then go through a long mud season before any good outdoor weather appears. It will likely be a few more months. So, what can be done in the mean time? Well, let's make a list. Brainstorm as many ways as you can to push aside the weather doldrums. This is how I started... 1- Visit a greenhouse 2- Try a new restaurant 3 - Make a citrus flavored dessert 4- Watch a movie set somewhere tropical 5- Buy some inexpensive flowers or a plant     

The Bowl

 It's Superbowl Sunday. Some of you will be interested in the game. Others may only be watching for the commercials. I'm going to be focusing on the Puppy Bowl. All those adorable furry babies are irresistible. Naturally, this set my mind to wondering about other possibilities. What would a animal bowl featuring tortoise or iguana look like? Red Panda? Wombats? Why stick with reality? Think about some fantasy characters. What would it be like to see the family Madrigal vs. the royal family of Arendelle? Come up with your own spectacular line up and put it in your journal. Have fun with it and ignore all the rules. 

Winter Blues

  The winter blues are hitting hard this year and apparently, I am not alone. As many of you are aware, poor Elmo from Sesame Street recently discover that many, many people are struggling right now. Rather than dwell on that uncomfortable truth, I thought we'd consider something a little more lighthearted...the color blue. It is a classic beauty, calming and gentle. It's the color of the sky, the ocean and a baby's eyes. Yet, we use it to describe sadness and depression. Let's spend a few minutes undoing that comparison and turning towards something a bit more positive. Think of all the things you love that are the color blue and write them out. Add all your favorite shades in doodles and highlights across the page. Make blue a happy thought today and may a little sunshine be in your future.