
Showing posts from August, 2023

Apple Season

 Apples are one the classic fruits of fall. From pies to donuts to cider, we can all think of tons of delicious ways to enjoy them. Some of you may even remember field trips or family outings to a nearby orchard. So let's make a page today all about the apple. Draw a basket full or write out a decorative version of your favorite apple rich recipe. Make a list of items you've loved or would like to try. Design some fun candy apples like you might see at a theme park. Make it capture that sweet time when summer dissolves into fall.  Ideas for you page... 1- Recipes 2- List of your favorite types 3- Baked good that include apples  4- Candy apple designs 5- Apple cider add-ins  6- Memory of a day at the orchard or cooking with someone special

A Nod to Star Wars

 As many of  you are probably aware the long awaited Star Wars series, "Ahsoka", premiered this week. Even if you don't know the difference between IG-88 and IG-11, you can probably name a few of the iconic characters from this giant fandom. Which one is your favorite? Make a journal page today in their honor. Through fantasy we are able to explore all kinds of emotions and experiences. Try to capture those feelings.  What is it about this particular character that you admire? Is it a certain trait, ability or life journey? Have you changed your opinion as you grew older?  If you fall under the category of super fan, you may even want to branch out and design your own lightsaber. As for those of you who have never seen any of the nine films...go watch Rogue One and New Hope at least! Then, make a page about any fictional character that inspired you.  

That Was the Worst!

 Usually, I like to focus on the positive. Zoning in on the little bits of good through out the day helps me push aside the constant bombardment of negative ideas that seem to surround us. However, that doesn't mean that we can't look at the other side from time to time, particularly if you do so with humor. For instance, consider Bean Boozled jelly beans by Jelly Belly which have the potential to be either delicious or disastrous. You might label the "dead fish" flavor the worst. Think of a horror movie that leaned in hard to a campy vibe rather than attempting to be frightening. Many will tune in just to rate the film as terrible for themselves and make endless jokes. Bad can be good. Just ask the winners of the ugliest dog or cat competitions. They become an instant celebrity. With this tone in mind, make a page about something you felt was just the worst. It can be a list of several things or one really unsatisfying experience. Add plenty of humor and pizazz! Thin

Wonders of the World

 When I was much younger and my whole life was ahead of me, I wanted to see the world. I dreamed of standing in front of the Taj Mahal, climbing Mt. Fuji, touring castles in Europe and going on safari. Thus far, I haven't left the continent of North America but I have had the privilege of seeing some amazing sites. Older if not wiser, my bucket list for global travel is gone. This change of heart is not unusual. In fact, most of us are a lot like George Bailey. Different factors keep us close to home and most of those reasons are much more meaningful than a photo in front of an old tomb. Still, the idea of seeing the wonders of the world is appealing. You know I love a list. So, let's make one of wonders that we all can experience wherever we may be. Include things like sunrises, super moons, and rainbows that stretch across the sky. Mark off each one as you encounter them and look back with joy at the spectacular things you witnessed. 

Back to School

   Back to school season is big business. Commercials, sales and blog posts signal the end of summer and the start of a new year. Even if you don't have children, you are likely aware that the little cherubs will soon return to the bus stop. Rather than dwell on all that these changes entail, let's once again turn to our own past. What did the school years look like for you? Think of the teachers you had, school plays you participated in, or the sports teams you joined. Make a page all about your experience. If it wasn't particularly good, focus upon something else like your favorite books in third grade or your most relaxing afternoon activity (even it's a TV lineup).  Make those memories come alive once more. You'll likely end up with a sweet little time capsule to share with your own family and friends. Things you may wish to include... 1- Instruments you played 2- Teams you were on 3- Personal achievements ( ex. earning another belt in karate) 4- Sports or dance

Tag Sale

Another late summer classic is the tag sale also known as the yard or garage sale. Suddenly, some of the your neighbor's best junk is out on the lawn for great low prices. I have mixed feelings about such events. Sometime you can find just the item you've been searching for and sometimes you are left wondering if it was worth the drive. A true fan would remind us that the strike outs make the discoveries all the better. Others might say the real thrill is in the selling. Coming away with a fist full of cash for stuff you no longer want is a powerful motivator to clean out those closets. So, what is your best tag sale moment? Did you unload that rocking chair you've been tripping over for years? Locate a valuable old comic or Pokemon card?  Make a page today about your tag sale successes. Write about your best day selling or the most amazing item you've purchased. Draw it out if you can and don't forget the tag!

Best in Fair

 Fair season has begun and I can already smell the kettle corn. There is something exciting about stepping onto the fair grounds once again to experience all your favorite things. What is your go to snack or beverage? Do you have a ride that you simply must do? Who is your most adored barn animal? Think about all the treats, crafts, games, and thrills that make that ticket price worth it. Determine a special way to salute your best times at the fair and make a page today. Not fan of fairs? That's okay too. Pick a ride like the Ferris Wheel that you may have enjoyed elsewhere or a specialty hotdog you ate. Describe how it made you feel, draw a picture or list a bunch of different types you've tried. Give it the color and vibe that matches the location of your memory.   Ideas for a fair themed page 1- List of rides you've done 2- All the foods you tried and how tasty they were 3- Results of animal competitions 4- Favorite booth or carnival game 5- Time line of your day 6- Awa

Celebrating the "Just for Fun" Holidays

     Today happens to be National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. You've probably noticed other unique holidays from time to time. The media will sometimes announce ones that are especially popular or interesting like National Hot Dog Day. Sometimes there will even be a coinciding promotion at your favorite eatery or fast food restaurant. You can find lists of these holidays on-line and most dates have multiple designations. Check it out and pick one that you would like to acknowledge. Make a splashy journal page noting all the ways you celebrated. Find a day that is delicious, quirky or sweet. Don't be afraid to take it to the next level and make it an enormous deal out of it. Prefer a quieter observance, that okay too. Consider creating your own special day and design a poster for it in your notebook. Make it zany. Make it motivating. Make it you .

Summer Memories

 August has arrived. Whether your summer is winding down or just getting started, you'll want to remember all the wonderful things that made this year special. Picture albums on your phone are easy and fun. But, I love a real book. Something about flipping through pages just makes it more concrete. Journaling also allows me to include subjects I don't photograph like books read or movies watched. Creating a "summer at a glance" page is a great way to remind yourself of new skills learned and projects accomplished as well. You can fill it anyway you chose. Your summer will look much fuller if you focus not on vacations and stunning scenery but on small moments of exploration and discovery.            You might like to include...                     1- Places you ate ice cream                     2- Bike rides                     3- Visits with friends or family                     4- Backyard games                     5- Movies watched                     6- Books re