
Showing posts from December, 2022

This Year

      It's almost 2023! Where did the year go?  Life sometimes moves by fast and I 'm not sure that I like it very much. Take some time today to write down a few things you'd like to remember about this year. Make it positive and sweet. Maybe you got a puppy or your little one started kindergarten. Perhaps someone celebrated a big anniversary. It doesn't even have to be something about you and your family. You may want to record a significant scientific discovery or something from pop culture like a movie filming nearby. Reflect on the things that made you smile. 

Family Stories

     During the holidays, many of us visit with people we don't see often enough. Getting together with the people we care about brings many spontaneous and memorable moments. My family and I have several that occurred on holidays past that we continually share and laugh about with one another. A favorite story of everyone's is "the dog's towel".         It was one Christmas many years ago before the invention of Chewy or the Bark Box. My family had a golden retriever puppy that was generally spoiled and absolutely adored.  My father worried that she would never learn to walk on a leash because she was carried everywhere . In those days, not nearly as many people bought gifts for their dog. So, it didn't occur to us to buy her more than one. The problem arose on Christmas Eve. We had a family tradition of opening a gift that night after dinner.  As usual everyone was happily opening their gifts one at a time. The dog was curious at first and then expectant.

Favorite Songs of the Season

          The height of the holiday season is here. Merry festivities are literally everywhere and with them is music. What songs are in your mind today? I am feeling nostalgic so I've got Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole crooning classics. You may be energized and hearing Paul McCartney or Mariah Carey. Perhaps you're inspired by the season and thinking of a hymn. Whatever is in your mood, take a few minutes to record the sounds of your day. List the songs playing in your mind, on the radio or at an event you attended. Pick a line from an old favorite and write it out in big letters across the page. Make the joy of music the focus in your journal today and may you have very Happy Holidays!

Holiday Bingo

      An important goal in inconsequential journaling is to emphasize the little things in life. The holidays while wonderful very often bring out big feelings. I find it helpful to step away for a short while and make my brain focus on something else. The next couple of weeks are going to be filled with activities of all sorts. So, let's have a bit of fun predicting what might happen.  Sketch out a bingo card and fill each space with something you are likely to see or hear in the coming days. Keep it simple and light hearted. Maybe you'll watch a classic movie or find lime jello on a buffet. Make the possibilities fit your circumstances. Here are a few to get you started.                                               25 Ideas for a Holiday Bingo Card...      1- Decorations complimented      2- Coca Cola commercial on TV     3 - Turkey served      4- Socks gifted      5- Candles lit      6- Sugar cookies left for Santa      7- New Year's resolutions discussed      8- Someon

An Elf for You

    I am sure many of you are aware of that delightful little sprite that hangs out on the shelf this month watching over the children of the house. It's sounds like so much fun. Then you get one. Before long, you find yourself desperately searching the internet at five am so you don't ruin the magic of Christmas. No pressure. Later in the day, you are informed that Timmy's elf is building a wooden barn with working doors for its new reindeer pet. Yours fell asleep in the tissue box...again. As a sort of antidote to all this stress, I thought it might be nice to imagine what it would be like if the situation was reversed. What would you hope your children did for you under the guise of elvish magic?  (I'd like mine to clean the kitchen and order a pizza.) Make a list of a few of your wishes just for little day dreaming fun.  If you don't have kids, or if your Timmy's mom, write down what an elf might do for a kid if time and money didn't matter.  

Let's Draw

      I use my inconsequential journal in a lot of different ways.  But, my favorite thing to do is draw in it. Making a little doodle or creating a scene is fun and relaxing. Admittedly, I am not very good but it doesn't matter because the result is just for me to appreciate.  The drawing can convey a mood, tell a joke or express a wish. The holidays are a good time to practice because there are so many iconic shapes that are simple to do. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.              Twenty Simple Holiday Shapes to Draw...                                                                                                                                                                   1 - Present                          2- Ball Ornament                          3- Candle                          4- Candy Cane                          5- Snowflake                          6- Gingerbread Man                         7- Lantern                          8- Quilt          

Taking a Sip

       December is a month full of wonderful treats. With special events and get togethers filling the calendar, we all enjoy a huge variety of food and drink . Just for fun, I decided to write in my journal all the different beverages I sipped in the past couple of weeks. The list was surprisingly large and it wasn't just the return of that winter classic, hot cocoa. There was cranberry pineapple punch, spiced cider, mulled wine and eggnog. I even drew a picture of my cup beside each one. The page turned out rather sweet. I think yours will too.

December Beauty

    December is a month of beauty. I know that I often forget that and I bet you do too. We spend so much time running everywhere that we fail to notice the loveliness around us.  Not only do we have all the decorations for the holidays but we also have the stunning start of winter. Taking a moment to notice something I find enchanting or engaging helps me slow down and appreciate things. My day then becomes more than just my third trip to the grocery store or a dash to the post office before it closes.  Journaling these moments helps make them special too. You might like to try it. You can set up your page any way you chose. I like to simply write out the days of the week and then draw or otherwise record what I noted that day.  Here is an example of what it might look like...     Monday - Vivid red cardinal perched in hemlock tree     Tuesday - Ice in a leaf pattern on the car windshield     Wednesday - Neighbor's acorn wreath on front door      Thursday -   Winter cupcake displa

Celebrating Creativity

        It's a new month! December is full of projects and our creative efforts seem to kick into high gear. We make gifts, design cards, and decorate our spaces with flair. Chances are you have some plans already. Maybe you're stamping your own gift tags or knitting a scarf for your niece. Baking cookies for your child's teacher? Include that too. Celebrate all that you are doing by listing it in your journal. Write down that recipe. Draw a picture of your gift tag. Add a photo of your home ablaze in lights. Consider giving it a cute hand drawn font and festive border. You'll feel accomplished looking back at all your endeavors, including this page!