
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Best Month of the Year

 While not everyone will agree, October is one of the best months of the year. Cooler temperatures allow for enjoyment of more outdoor activities, fabulous foods abound, and most start to celebrate Halloween. With so many wonderful things to eat and experience, October deserves a page devoted just to itself. Create one to doodle on all the things that you did, made, ate, watched and wore. List your weekend plans. Highlight some fun or delicious recipes. Describe a favorite outfit. Include whatever makes October special to you.   

Fun with Yard Decorations

      As Halloween approaches, people start to decorate their homes and porches for the holiday. People's individual creativity is prominent with such a large variety of accessories. Window clings, foam headstones, and plastic skeletons help create all sorts of delightful scenes. Some are are funny. Some are ghoulish and some are so amazing they become the talk of the town. It's entertaining to experience all these efforts by driving around your area. Night or day, the scenes are likely to bring you (and your companions) a smile. One way to extend your enjoyment is to make a scavenger hunt. Make a list of things you are likely to see or use mine below. Then attach it to your journal for as a reminder of the fun you had. You don't even need to make it a one time event. You could also just write out a list in your journal and check it off as you go about your daily routine. The point is to notice something new.  Possible Scavenger Hunt Items... 1 - 12 foot skeleton or any unu

Thoughts of Autumn

 Fall is such a beautiful time of year. With long shadows and golden forests, sometimes it takes a line of poetry to capture the mood or feeling of the moment. I find that collect twice as many quotes for this time of year than any other. I image that you might have a favorite or two as well. Even if your not thrilled by the season you may still connect to one that celebrates Halloween or Thanksgiving. Think of your most beloved quote from this time of year and write it out in a lovely font across your page today. 

The Thrill of a Scare

 I love a good scary story. How about you? Reading classics like The Phantom of the Opera and Dracula give you extra depth not seen in the movies. Newer stories stories often involve more complex science fiction or technology elements. Both have the ability to send a shiver or two up your spine late at night. Fall is the perfect time to read some of these stories. The nights are getting longer and the paranormal starts filling everyone's mind as we approach Halloween. Scary stories aren't the only way to frighten yourself this season. Some may prefer a movie marathon or a trip to an amusement park to visit some haunted houses. Make a page where you can record all the scary things that you experience this fall. Focus on one particular type of activity or celebrate them all.  Things to record in a list of frights... 1- Books, stories or articles  2- Movies 3- Haunted Houses 4- Themed Festival  5- Haunted hayride or corn maze 6- Wax or monster museum 7- TV shows ( Ghost Adventure

The Animals We Love

The Smithsonian National Zoo is currently hosting a Panda Palooza to say farewell to the giant pandas in their care who are returning to China.  While this a disappointing thought for many of us, we can follow the zoo's lead and celebrate this adorable species. If you too are a panda fan, make your page today all about those black and white bears that roll around enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Not really into bears? That's okay. Make a page highlighting your favorite animal whatever it may be. Draw a picture of a snake or fish. Paste a picture of the time you fed a giraffe. List the names of all the  wolves at a nearby zoo. Record your pictures for the week off your trail camera. However you choose to salute a favorite animal, create a page that illustrates what makes you happy and enjoy. 

Fabulous Foliage

The leaves are slowly starting to turn in my area. Within a few weeks, it will be prime viewing time. The woods will practically glow with hues of yellow, orange and red. My own yard is not quite as spectacular but I can count on a variety of shapes and colors to rake into piles. Recording this splendor in your journal can result in some truly charming pages that will remind you of those long shadow afternoons even in the doldrums of your least favorite season. Try some of the following over the coming weeks... Ways to Get Creative with Leaves -  1- Doodle and color examples of leaves from your yard 2- Make a list of your favorite leaf peeping spots 3- Draw a picture of your yard  4- Note a craft or art project you made with some collected leaves 5- Make a photo collage after a beautiful hike 6-  Do something more abstract like writing out the colors you see falling down across your page 7- Record all the leaves you spy in a "scientific" manner (include the date, location, si

Turning Back to the Night Sky

  With the northern hemisphere's fall equinox approaching, now is a great time to start gazing at the night sky again. I always enjoy taking a moment to look for a constellation or note the phase of the moon. It often helps me feel more centered. The lack of distraction is a welcome relief from the constant drumming of modern life and I can refocus myself on the now. I encourage you to spend some time watching the sky this month too and record all the amazing things you see. Hunt for planets such as Jupiter, Saturn and, in the early morning, Venus. Uranus and even the Andromeda galaxy  may be seen with some help from a telescope. The end of the month will also bring another supermoon. Take advantage of the easy shapes and draw out all you spy in your journal.  

It's Time for Another List

 By now, it's abundantly clear that I love a list. There is just something so satisfying about writing out ideas on paper. Being able to say that you experienced or achieved most of them is even better, proof that you are doing things. That being said, I don't recommend that lists be too complicated or far reaching. The purpose is to feel good not frustrated. With the unofficial end of summer this weekend, today is the perfect time to make a list for fall. I actually have several. Think of the things that you'd like to do and start with a brainstorming page. Add items you'd like to cook, craft, visit, and celebrate. Then, if you find that you have a lot of one particular subject, devote a specific page just for it. Decorate them with all the lovely images of autumn. Things you might make a list for... 1- Items to bake (pies, cookies, cakes) 2- Items to drink (Coffee, Cider, Wine) 3- Place to Hike 4- Fairs to visit 5- Celebrations and Holidays 6- Decorating Ideas        

If You Could Design a Stamp

 The Ruth Bader Ginsburg postage stamp was released yesterday. Many noteworthy people have been similarly honored. Peaking my interest, I began to think about the stamps that I buy. What kind do you prefer to purchase? Do you go plain and classic so that you can use it an any situation or do you try to fit the occasion? Are you a fan of popular characters or scenes from nature? If you were tasked with designing a stamp, what would it look like? Draw or describe one of your own making in your journal today.