
Showing posts from July, 2023

Just Can't Resist

      Okay, let's admit it. We all have something or several things that we simply can't seem to resist spending money on when we go to the store. Maybe it's books or shoes. Maybe it's birdseed. I'll confess to running in to the craft store for a small item and coming out with a bag full. I'm probably not the only one to fall victim to the Target Dollar Spot either. It's okay. These purchases (hopefully) bring us a degree of happiness and it's worth it. Take a few minutes today to indulge a little in your favorite shopping vice. Draw out some images or icons associated with your attachment on your page. Appreciate the small things that make you smile. 

Pick Your Theme Week

 If you watch TV much you'll know that this week is "Shark Week" an annual event on Discovery. Special programs highlight the intimidating fish and its many amazing attributes. This idea inspired me to think about theme weeks. What would you like to spend a week celebrating? Would it be travel, history, sports?  Just for fun, consider making a journal page with plans for a week of your own. Pick a subject and draw or write out all the creative ideas you have for saluting your topic. Since you are only brainstorming the rules can be bent a little. Feel free to consider things not generally associated with the field. It doesn't matter if you know how to recreate the solar system in cake. It's a brilliant suggestion! You may love your page enough to set it in motion.  Here is an example to get you going... PARIS 1 - Make "French" food for dinner (Quiche Lorraine, Croque Monsieur, etc.) 2- Watch Disney's Ratatouille   3- Research the history of the Catac

Highs and Lows

 It can be fun to think about the contrasts in our lives from time to time. The spectrum of our experiences is often wider than we realize. Just look at your extended family. Who is the youngest and oldest? At one point, we had a newborn and a ninety-five year old. Consider the highest elevation you've ever reached and the lowest. Think of the biggest fish you ever caught and the smallest. What is the fanciest thing you've ever done and the most embarrassing? I don't think I'm the only one whose been caught pumping gas wearing snowflake pajama bottoms in May. Make a page about the differences between the wildest of your contrasts or list several related ones. You'll be surprised at the variety. 

Purposeful Moments

      Summer seems to be flying by this year. The "back to school" items are already hitting the stores. I love fall and look forward to the change of season but I also want to savor those little moments that only summer can bring. With camps, sports, travel and more, we can forget to slow down and appreciate the warm weather and late setting sun. It doesn't take a lot of time or energy to make those sweet memories you fondly remember from summers past. Consider creating a journal page where you devote attention to this particular point in time. Make a list of short activities that you can squeeze in after practice or first thing in the morning. Then pledge to make them happen every day for a week. It shouldn't be anything big, just fun opportunities to feel present like blowing bubbles or having a water balloon fight. Remember that little things are often just as special as the big ones. My list for the week... Monday - Make fruit punch ice cubes Tuesday- Create a su

Amazing Ideas

 Do you ever have an absolutely awesome idea? I bet you have lots of them. We usually just tell the people we are chatting with at the time and move on to something else.  Today I am encouraging you to write them down. You may not start a pool float business or have the next viral video; that's okay. Still, it's worth your while to make a point to remember the thoughts that made you excited or laugh till you cried. You never know where it may lead. You might end up with a fabulous t-shirt for the next family reunion or a delicious brownie add in that your kids can't wait to sample. Start your "ideas" journal page today and flag it with a little something extra. I have a feeling that you'll be returning to the spot often.

Time to Get Buggy

 Summer and time outdoors go together. You may be spending it in the woods or by the pool. No matter what you are doing, the warm weather means you'll be joined by some insects. Rather than be repulsed or annoyed, let's celebrate all the creepy crawlies we come across. In past posts, I have encouraged taking note of animals and nature. Now is the perfect time to add some bugs. Depending on your interests you may decide to focus on the lovely like dragon flies or the cute like woolly bears. I did a page of butterflies I spotted in the yard last year that turned out beautiful! This year, I am making a one about the unique and the leafy guy here is my first entry. Taking a closer look at the small things around you is a great way to slow down and appreciate the every day...even when your neighbor can't stop posting pictures of their Hawaiian vacation.  Ideas for celebrating bugs... 1- Make a check list of ones you are likely to come across and a few that you are not. 2- Draw o

No Spend Weekend

Okay, hear me out. This is an inconsequential blog, I know. Finances should not be discussed here. I agree. But let's face it. "No spend" weekends don't even exist. You still need to eat, pay rent, possibly drive somewhere. All those things involve money. The entire premise is based on the idea that you have a choice. Isn't that a nice thought? If you are truly struggling right now, I see you. Know that you are worthy and that you deserve just as much happiness as anyone else.  If you are lucky enough that a "no spend" weekend is a fun way to save a little cash, let's make a list. I love a list. Don't you? Chose your location be it at home or around town and brainstorm some low cost ideas.  Maybe you'll go on a picnic or a hike. Maybe you'll rearrange the furniture in your living room or sew a market bag from an old t-shirt. Don't forget to add all those amazing summer events like concerts at the park and free afternoon admission at t

Berry Season

      Berry season is underway in my area and I am excited to try a slew of new recipes I've been gathering. Of course, I plan to make all our old favorites as well. I think now is the perfect time to devote a journal page to all things berry. You could record a special family recipe. Doodle a basket full. Decorate a page for a berry themed summer bucket list. Plan out all the amazing things you'll do with them. Celebrate a day on the farm picking with your family.  Berries are one of the best summertime treats so let's embrace their sweetness! Ideas for a berry themed page... 1- Family recipe 2- Drawing of your favorite and the many ways you use them 3- Summer berry bucket list (ex. pick blueberries, make jam, bake muffins, fondue night) 4- New things to try 5- Memory of a day on the farm 6- Doodling fun 7- Plan for pudding or ice cream bar 8- Ideas for some special beverages Enjoy all the good things that summer brings!