
Showing posts from August, 2024

Breaking the Rules

      We recently returned from a week away. You know what that means...laundry, giant piles of it. Due to poor planning and life's little surprises, I had neither the time nor the energy to deal with it as I normally do. So, I broke some rules. Shirts and pants went into the same load as did lights and darks. (A color catcher was used. I'm not that reckless.) It was so freeing. The piles disappeared much more quickly and my sanity was saved. Did it really matter that I didn't follow intructions handed down over the generations for the proper way to clean? Certainly not. Sometimes we need to take a little risk. This idea leads right into our journal topic for today, breaking "the rules" of good housekeeping.  Make a little list of all the times you threw caution to the wind and perhaps didn't pre-rinse your dishes or let the dog eat the spilled pasta in place of cleaning it up. It may even give you a little thrill to know that you are a bit more of a rebel tha